Dead Knights

Deadwood Original - Mother Charter

Matteo Sanchez and Pedro Reyna had no idea what they were really getting in to when they arrived home. Both recently discharged from the same battalion within the United States Marine Corps, only one man had a home to return to. Matteo's parents were celebrating moderate success in their new hometown of Tucson, Arizona, and it was expected that Matteo would come home to help. Pedro had been kicked out at thirteen, by a young mother that wanted nothing to do with her son. Matteo tried to convince Pedro to come back to Tucson with him, but they ended up going seperate ways. Pedro wanted to see if he could carve out a life for himself, away from the structure of the military. The best friends happened to run into each other at Sturgis Bike Week during August 1978 and fell in love with the bike culture. They decided to spend their savings on motorcycles, with blessings from Matteo's pregnant wife, Jessica. From there, they rode through the United States - obtaining odd jobs when the money started to run out. But thirteen months after the week of debauchery and freedom, Pedro was finally tracked down by a woman he had bedded during the week-long holiday. Jessica had been staying behind to help the Sanchez family and raise her young son, Robert.

Margarita Gonzalez had gotten pregnant after a rough weekend in the sun. At only sixteen years old, she refused to go home. She didn't really know where the father of her child had ended up, but friends were able to put her in touch with Pedro shortly after the birth of her first child in 1980. He stepped up and a year after their son's birth, the couple married. Pedro needed to settle down but he didn't want to turn his back on Matteo. Together, they started the Dead Knights - a motorcycle club that settled in Tucson, as close as they felt comfortable to the Mexican border. Settling in to a new life was difficult, but before they were even really aware of it, Matteo and Pedro had erected a home and lives for themselves. They helped with several local businesses, including those owned by the Sanchez family and also opened up an automotive garage that would primarily be owned by Pedro.

For the first ten years of existence, the Dead Knights was just a club full of motorcycle enthusiasts. They got together and rode every weekend, boasting denim cuts with their club name and voted-in logo. Margarita, though the man she had fallen in love with was the founding Vice President, got together with Matteo's old lady, Jessica, and, together, they changed how the women surrounding the club were viewed. Tragedy began circling the club when, in late 1986, the second son of Pedro was gunned down while playing outside. Margarita, pregnant with the couple's third child, was devestated and Pedro wanted revenge. The couple was also drowning in debts, now thanks to hospital bills from Matteo's youngest son, Michael. The club rallied around their president and vice president and proposed a plan for revenge. That simple act threw the club into debt with other motorcycle clubs and financial debts were paid off by less-than-honorable businesses were erected. In 1987, the club entered into a partnership with the Sinners, based out of Sierra Vista. The strip club was lucrative and an immediate success. The club also successfully provided a link in the gun-running chain started by the Sinners.

By the time the club had reached ten years of activity, life looked pretty good. The partnership with the Sinners was solid and they had started another business together - this time a low-key escort service that often employed the girls that worked at the jointly owned strip club. But the Sinners, after a while, didn't like sharing. They also didn't like the foothold that the Tucson boys were creating for themselves. Charters had branched out all over, helping to carry the most important business - guns. When runs were planned, it was usually a Dead Knight leading the charge. Because of that, the leader of the Sinners, Dominic Lansing, took matters into his own hands. He planned a strike against the club, but the first strike wasn't successful. This led to the first ever lock-down at a warehouse near the clubhouse.

The next four years, from 1998 to 2003, the club was embroiled in battle against the Sinners. Numbers dwindled drastically and in 2002, the club suffered a difficult blow when Robert Sanchez, newly elected vice president, was killed in a garage fire. Once they realized that the fighting was getting them nowhere, businesses were disolved and contracts were ripped up. The fighting also stopped, but there was lingering bad blood between the Knights and Sinners. In early 2006, a new generation of Dead Knights stepped up to take over. Things have been relatively quiet and businesses have been rebuilt. The gun-running is still their strongest earner, but some members are starting to wonder if running guns is still the best use of their abilities and time.

Club Roles

The PRESIDENT is the Chairman of the executive committee and also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the chapter. All matters between the club and any outside organization, business or other persons are brought to the President for him to take action on. If the President is not available to attend a chapter meeting, the Vice-President shall serve as the Chairman. The President does not make motions or second any motions and he can only vote on actions where he would make a tie vote or break a tie vote. The President acts as a personal representative of the club and is able to judge items that are not in the chapter’s rules. He is a liaison between other motorcycle clubs, public relations and law enforcement. He represents the club in any business contracts and promotes the club life among members and family members.

The VICE PRESIDENT supervises plans for club events and coordinates the committees. He also relays information between the President and the Members of the chapter. Any questions, comments or concerns of other committee members are brought to the Vice-Presidents attention. The Vice-President is the second in command underneath the President and he assumes all the duties of the President in his absence.

The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS makes certain to uphold all the laws and rules of the club. He ensures that all the committee orders are carried out as quickly as possible and he keeps order at all club events. If he sees any member acting in a way not supported by the Club, he reports it to the committee. The SGT at Arms is in charge to strip patches and colors from members who are removed from the club by retiring, resigning or being impeached or expelled. The SGT at Arms defends and protects the club members and prospects and is directly responsible for their security and safety. He keeps records of data that relates to the club security. If he sees any type of threat or perceived threat to the club in any manner, he will bring it to the attention of the Executive Committee for appropriate actions to be voted on. The SGT at Arms keeps the clubs firearms and weapons in safekeeping.

The SECRETARY is responsible for keeping all of the club records, written reports and correspondence between outside organizations. He calls role at the committee meetings and takes notes on each meeting. He is also responsible to notify any members of special meeting times and dates other than the normally scheduled meetings. The Secretary is in charge of telling any members of an election or appointment if it was made while they were not present at a meeting. He maintains the constitution of the club noting any changes to it and handles all written club correspondence.

The TREASURER keeps all the financial records of the club. He collects the income from all operations and is responsible for paying all the bills or expenses of the club, while keeping written records. The Treasurer reports the club’s status on payments owed and due at each committee meeting to the members. He may also provide the committee a written report of the financial status at the annual meetings. The Treasurer is also responsible for maintaining all of the club patches that are un-issued as well as a record of the patches and colors that each member has in their possession. The Treasurer collects all dues and fines from the club’s members.

The ENFORCER makes certain that the club laws and rules are followed by all members. He protects all of the patch holders and protects the club’s reputation in any type of conflict. The Enforcer assists all members of the club in combat of any sort including any type of weapons or fist fights.

A MEMBER is also called a Patch Member or a Rider. Members have earned their patch after graduating from a Prospect. They have the right to wear the clubs colors and attend club meetings. Some clubs simply call them Patches.

A PROSPECT is a person who would like to join the club but still needs to earn his patch. The patch members direct a Prospect to do certain duties that vary and supervise him to make certain they are completed. Officers are the only ones allowed to override a Patch's olders to the Prospect. A prospect may have to engage in illegal activities in order to carry out the requests of the patch Members. A Prospect does not have voting rights, as they do not have their full rocker. A Prospect may retrieve bikes from police impound lots and guard all the bikes while the club is in a meeting. Prospects try their best to follow all club rules and prove that they are worthy of being a club member and earning a patch. Prospects may be dealt menial tasks and have to endure some level of hazing by the club members. Prospects are voted in the club by the patched-in members and officers and must pledge his loyalty to the club and all the members to receive his patch. He may be referred to as a full patch member or as being patched. The length of Prospeting can take anywhere from a year, to two years, depending on the current atmosphere of the club. Prospects are not allowed to have old ladies, but they can be serious about a woman. When the Prospect patches in, the woman he wants as his old lady goes through a similar process.

Club Rules

( 1 ) President, Vice President, Sergeant at Arms, Secretary, and Treasurer are all elected officers, along with two additional elected members, who are not club officers for the Executive Board. All others appointed by the President with a confidence vote from patch-holders in good standing is required. All officers hold their positions until voted out for one of three reasons - medical, retirement, or derelection of duty.

(2 ) In order to be voted in, the president puts up the first nomination. Generally, that patch has been a dedicated member for at least four years and is in good standing as far as dues and riding duties. The president brings his name forward and allows fellow patches and offers to challenge or bring another name forward for the vote. Those nominated are escorted from church (the weekly meeting) and are brought back in once a decision has been made.

( 3 ) Club meetings, or Church is scheduled for every Friday at 5:30pm, unless an emergency calls for the President to call for a spontaneous meeting. Votes are scheduled for monthly meetings, usually held on the first Friday of the month. Majority rules when voting and if a patch is not present for the meeting, their vote is void. Patches are not allowed to miss meetings, unless an emergency prevents them from attending. When that happens, it's up to the Vice President to visit with the patch and get their vote for the coming meeting. Patches and officers are expected to be completely sober during church. A weekend party usually follows the weekly church meetings.

( • ) Members can be disciplined for missing church meetings if they do not have a viable reason. If a member misses three church meetings in a row, they are automatically stripped of their cut, motorcycle, and ordered to black out any club-related ink. If multiple meetings are missed, with intermitting attendance, it is up to the president, or the patch's sponsor if available, and given a warning. Five warnings will result in the patch losing his cut, motorcycle, and standing within the club.

( 4 ) Prospecting is not taken lightly within the Dead Knights. They must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver's license. It is up to the prospecting member to obtain a motorcycle of their own and are instructed to wear their PROSPECT cut at all times. Prospects are required to be drug free and are on-call 24/7. They must make themselves available for any and all tasks, menial or otherwise. Patches are only allowed to tell prospects to do things that they would do themselves, or have done during their history with the club. Prospects are not allowed to back-talk patched members, and are at risk of having their cut yanked at any time. All Prospects require a sponsor, someone within the club whom they have known for at least one year. During the vote, two "no" votes automatically mean the prospect has been rejected from the club and will be ordered to turn over his cut immediately. If voted in, the President is the only one who may hand the Prospect his top rocker.

( 5 ) No drugs of any kind may be used by a Dead Knight. Marijana is acceptable, but harder drugs are strictly forbidden. Anyone caught using will immediately be put on probation and ordered to rehab. If the habit is not kicked with one trip to rehab, the club is allowed to come together and vote on the status of the patch/officer in question.

( 6 ) Cuts are to be worn at all times, displaying the proper patches. The only exception to this is if there is a court order, claiming a member on parole/probation is not allowed to wear "gang colors". Sometimes the president will order all members to hide their cuts, or leave them at home if going on a secretive mission.

( 7 ) Patches and officers are not allowed to be cowardly. If they are tasked with something dangerous and choose not to or back out at the last minute, they will be subject to punishment. If a member turns his back on a brother during the course of a dangerous mission, that member will immediately be drummed out of the club and forced to turn over his cut, motorcycle, and anything relating to the club.

( 8 ) Respect is to be shown to all club members, officers, members, members' bikes and property, old ladies and their property. In other words - if it's not yours, don't mess with it. Respect your cut and no stealing from fellow patched members. Fighting among each other is not allowed, any punches to be thrown will be done by the Sgt At Arms. If there is a beef between patched members, no matter how big or small, it must be taken to the Sergeant at Arms. He gets to decide how the beef is handled between the feuding brothers.

( 9 ) Don't fuck around with brother's old lady. If caught, the patch is at risk of an ass-beating from the old lady's patch or being drummed out of the club. If a member is wanting to take on an old lady, he must approach the president and ask for permission. From there, the President takes the request to his old lady for further review. If the President does not have an old lady, the highest ranking officer's old lady will be consulted. Members are responsible for their old ladies and their actions - what an old lady does, her patch is responsible for her actions. While it is up to the woman how she is claimed, members are responsible for making old lady status known within the club. They are also responsbile for any information told to their old lady. It's up to them how much or little she knows, but if club business is leaked by an old lady, she and her patch will immediately be drummed out. Old ladies are allowed unescorted at the clubhouse, but they are not allowed in the chapel hall (soundproofed room where meetings happen).

Family Ties

When motorcycle clubs were first formed, women were not treated very well by the patched members. They were looked at as property, freely shared and discarded. Old ladies were not a honored position, but more a show of ownership. That changed over the years and the Dead Knights were one of the first to give honor status to women they were in love with, and believed had a strong attachment to the club.

The President's old lady is the top of the food chain. She is in charge of fellow old ladies, sweet butts, and family members. She is usually the liason between the club and the families. If she is disrespected in any way, the person disrespecting her is at risk of a severe beating. She has final say in women taking on the old lady status within the club, and can face punishment if an old lady is acting out of line and her patch is not on hand to take responsibility. It it up to the President's old lady to schedule travel for fellow old ladies and family members. She also must be available to help the club in any way, especially in time of tragedy within the club, or a security issue.

Old ladies are expected to be on-hand for anything the club or the president's old lady may need. It it up to them to help with club-related dinners, lock down preparations, or anything required by the officer's old ladies. They are not allowed to disrespect patches openly, and can face discipline if that line is crossed. Patches are responsible for their old lady and will take any punishment recommended by the officers for their old lady's behavior. Once approved to become an old lady, the new old lady is scheduled to get her ink, signalling her offically part of the Dead Knights family, and property of her patch.

Sweetbutts are at the bottom of the food chain. They are responsible for doing whatever the old ladies ask them to do. They are not allowed to disrespect members or old ladies. If caught with a taken patch, they risk losing their status within the club and the protection it offers. While they are considered family by the club, they are essentially female prospects - charged with earning their keep and proving their loyalty to the club. Sweetbutts are allowed to attend parties and runs, but are not allowed to room with patched members. They must keep themselves available for any patch or old lady that requires their services. While it is difficult for a sweetbutt to become an old lady, it's not impossible. If a sweetbutt wants to no longer be labeled as one, she must go to the highest ranking old lady and ask for permission. If she wants to become committed to a patched member, the patch must ask permission from the President to take her on as a girlfriend. The sweetbutt then has 30 days to prove that she is committed to the patch only before the title will officially be taken off. Patches are allowed to test the sweetbutt's loyalty during those 30 days, but after, she is allowed to turn down the advances of any patch that is not her significant other. Former sweetbutts must be in a committed relationship for six months before being allowed to request old lady status.

Girlfriends are not treated the same as old ladies. Wives are not treated the same way either, unless they also hold the status of old lady. Girlfriends and wives are not allowed to know club business, unless a vague reference to safety is needed. If a girlfriend or wife knows things that she is not supposed to, and is overheard talking about it, she will be banned from the club and strongly encouraged to leave the area. The patch attached to her will face consequences that are to be voted on by the officers. Family members are honored by the club, but they are treated the same as girlfriends and wives. Old ladies are the top of the food chain, girlfriends/wives/family next, and sweetbutts at the bottom. The club is ultimately a family and everyone is expected to act that way. Whatever the family needs, they need only ask.